Sunday, May 13, 2018

Alpha Chi Omega: Semester Recap

Spring 2018 was a busy and amazing semester for the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega at the University of Arkansas. We raised lots of money for our philanthropy, initiated 16 sweet new members, created tons of memories, and bonded as sisters for life!

Sista Sista
From making T-shirts at B-Unlimited to bowling, our sisterhood events kicked butt! (literally- we went kickboxing!) We loved meeting each others momma’s when we celebrated Mom’s Day with a brunch at Sassafras Vineyard. We also went on a weekend wilderness retreat at Camp War Eagle, where we ziplined, played capture the flag, performed hilarious skits, (i.e. a door chant to the yodeling boy song) and ate s’mores by the campfire!

Big Philanthropy Girls
It was a semester full of philanthropy! Our annual philanthropy event, Volley Against Domestic Violence, was super successful with our best ever attendance! Seventeen teams competed in our volleyball tournament to raise money for the Peace at Home Family Shelter located here in Fayetteville. This semester we also supported Peace at Home directly by volunteering at their Barbecue competition to raise money. We also put on our first ever “Say Sno to Sexual Assault” to bring awareness to the issue of violence against women, men, and children. We passed out free snow cones in the union and made T-shirts to hang for The Clothesline Project. AXO even received the first place award for Greeks Give Back Week, a whole week in which all the fraternities and sororities give back to the community.

I Only Love My Bed and My Sisters I’m Sorry
In February, Alpha Chi celebrates MacDowell Month, a month in which we honor our founders’ musical heritage by showing our love and appreciation for the fine arts. We went on a tour of Crystal Bridges with our alumni and using the hashtag #AxoHeartsTheArts on posts, Alpha Chis went out to theaters, museums, and performances all over the community. Many of our girls participated in Greek Sing, where they sang and danced to covers of Beyonce, (we even placed fourth woo!!!) and also Sigma Chi’s Derby Days where we danced to covers of Drake! We are extremely proud of our dancers in Greek Stroll who received first place!

And They Were Roommates…
Here at the University of Arkansas, Alpha Chi Omegas are huge Vine enthusiasts! We dressed up as all of our favorite vines for one of our functions, and also had a sisterhood event at the KKG house to eat snacks and watch all of our favorite vines! Speaking of roommates, we absolutely can not wait for our house to be finished this summer! 722 W Maple St here we come!!!


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  4. شركة نقل عفش بجدة
    على بيت نظيف شركة تنظيف بالبخار بجدة
    وخالي من الحشرات وشركة تنظيف في مكة تعتمد على شركة تنظيف دكت المكيفات بمكه
    احدث الوسائل المتطورة وا لديها فريق عمل أكفاء شركة تنظيف دكت المكيفات بجدة
    وذو خبرة عالية في استخدام احدث الأساليب العلمية المتطورةشركة تنظيف دكت المكيفات بالطائف
    في عملية التنظيف والتخلص

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  8. ن تنظيف المباني، أو المنازل أو الشقق تحتاج مجهود مضاعف من سيدة المنزل، وتجعلها تمضي وقت طويل من حياتها في جعلشركة تنظيف عجمان
    مملكتها غاية في النظافة والأمان لكافة أفراد الأسرة، ومع تقدم العصر ال

  9. شركة تنظيف بعجمان تقدم لكم خدمة التنظيف بأسعار مخفضة في متناول الجميع , إليكم واحدة من أهم الأماكن التي يمكنكم اللجوء إليها في حالة الرغبة في تنظيف منزلكم بأحدث تقنيات وأجهزة التنظيف الحديثة إنها تنظيف منازل عجمان ,

  10. شركة تنظيف بعجمان تقدم لكم خدمة التنظيف بأسعار مخفضة في متناول الجميع , إليكم واحدة من أهم الأماكن التي يمكنكم اللجوء إليها في حالة الرغبة في تنظيف منزلكم بأحدث تقنيات وأجهزة التنظيف الحديثة إنها تنظيف منازل عجمان ,


Alpha Chi Omega: Homecoming 2018

Our very first homecoming in our house was definitely one for the books! To kickoff homecoming weekend we had our house dedication and r...